Since 2019

Operation Community Cats

Our History

Operation Community Cats (OCC) is an Idaho 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Our community, or outside, cat program was founded in early 2019. We are an all-volunteer organization dedicated to providing Humane TNR (trap-neuter-return) for lost, abandoned, stray, and feral cats to reduce the overpopulation of community cats.

In response to a growing need for affordable high-volume feline spay/neuter services, Operation Community Cats coordinated and funded new clinics. Our most recent is the OCC Clinic with the Viking Vet team based out of West Valley Humane Society’s surgical facility.

One of our goals is to form a cat coalition with cat rescue groups, shelters, and cat-loving individuals, so we can work together toward our common causes for the community and the cats.

Operation Community Cats volunteers have over 200 years’ experience in TNR and have helped to build several Catios (cat patios) in our valley.

Coming together is the BEGINNING staying together is PROGRESS and working together is SUCCESS

Henry Ford

OCCI Platinum Guidestar
Top Rated Nonprofits

Our Board of Directors

Lou Ann Gaskell

Lou Ann retired from HP where she spent 20 years as a software engineer. Prior to HP, she was principal flutist in a Florida regional orchestra.

Her family includes her husband, two daughters, a granddaughter, and a grandson. Lou Ann lives with 5 cats, a Shorkie dog, and three Morgan horses. Animals have been a passion of hers from an early age.

Lou Ann joined Diane Ayres in the early formation of SNIP and then became a volunteer for the Idaho Humane Society SPOT program focusing on the trapping, spaying/neutering, and returning (TNR) of feral cats.

She teaches others how to trap and provides advice on feral cat care and socialization. In her “spare” time, she runs her own cat grooming business.

Mary Wilson
Vice President

Cindi Boone



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